Alveran records et la bouffe vegan

Alveran adds Vegan products to the Shop!

Hardcore and the Vegan lifestyle are unquestionably linked to one another since the 90ies, so there is no need to spell out the connection between a hardcore mailorder and Vegan products. We decided to broaden the range of products available in our store/mailorder and to add some vegan food from Vegan Backery and other high quality vegan food suppliers.
Here you go with what has been added to the shop and can easily be ordered online or bought directly in our store in Bochum:

A quand les Nicorettes chez Goodlife?

C’est passionnant

C’est ce que je me dis quand je vois Grave Maker en live

On a vraiment des vies formidables


220 euros la blague putain

« j’ai fait l’con »

tu t’es fait glisser une quenelle