Karl alvarez's heart attack

Je viens de trouver ça. Sauf erreur de ma part, personne n’en a parlé sur ce forum…

On August 11th Karl Alvarez suffered a minor heart attack. While he is physically doing well, the mounting medical bills are taking a toll. This page has been set up as a resource for organizing benefit shows and taking gifts to help with medical expenses. A paypal account in Karl’s name has been established you can reach it here…

source http://www.myspace.com/karlalvarezbenefit

…et provenant d un bulletin myspace de descendents :

As some of you may know, our bass player Karl suffered a minor heart attack on August 11th. Fortunately, it was minor and there was no permanent damage, so he’s going to be ok.

However, due to lack of medical insurance, he’s accumulated enough medical bills to give anyone a coronary. A bunch of Karl’s friends have organized a myspace page/paypal thing for donations to help him with his medical expenses. There will also be other benefit shows, and so forth to help raise money. This isn’t being directly administrated by the band, but obviously we want to help Karl in any way possible. So, if it’s in your means and in your heart to help him out, please do so.

They made this banner for the page. You can also get the code there if you’d like to put one on your myspace, website or whatever.

je l’ai « cité »…http://www.warmzine.net/showthread.php?t=10911