
Bill Stevenson peut pas lui prêter des sous? putain faire des bulletins pour ramener du fric comme ça, je suis franchement pas pour…

As some of you may know, our bass player Karl suffered a minor heart attack on August 11th. Fortunately, it was minor and there was no permanent damage, so he’s going to be ok.

However, due to lack of medical insurance, he’s accumulated enough medical bills to give anyone a coronary. A bunch of Karl’s friends have organized a myspace page/paypal thing for donations to help him with his medical expenses. There will also be other benefit shows, and so forth to help raise money. This isn’t being directly administrated by the band, but obviously we want to help Karl in any way possible. So, if it’s in your means and in your heart to help him out, please do so.

They made this banner for the page. You can also get the code there if you’d like to put one on your myspace, website or whatever.

In other news, Bill and Karl are scheduled to team up with Evan Dando for a Lemonheads tour in early-mid December. (Karl will not be deterred, and his doctors say it’s ok for him). The Last has a new record that should be out sometime in the next few months (also featuring Bill and Karl). Milo is still out east reinventing the genome for now. Bill and Stephen are both still recording bands, etc.

Pour avoir vu Sicko cette semaine, je peux t’assurer que tu peux etre gravement dans la merde si tu tombes malade dans ce beau pays, vu les couts d’hospitalisation et la faible proportions de personnes assurées…

Ca parait peut etre bizare vu d’ici avec notre sec sociale la plus performante au monde mais si tu connais la situation americaine, ca ne me choque pas!

Everything sucks todayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

oui je sais que c’est chaud…mais faut pas abuser, faire appel aux gens via myspace y’a des limites non? Faut aussi payer l’appart de je sais plus de quel membre de Strung Out qui a été dévasté ou j’en sais rien…
qu’ils vendent des porte clefs ou je ne sais quoi…
Descendents m’ont également saoulé a vendre tout un tas d’objet collector via E bay…ils feraient mieux de faire un nouvel album.