Edge day 2007 ....

National Edge Day (10.17 observed) @ Welfare Records in Haverhill, MA on Saturday October 20th, 2007

TYF’s FIRST & TEN (Wrench and Clevo playing the hits)

Yo! Here’a disclaimer to those of you who think this show sucks. This show, or, « day » is just a fun excuse to get together a lot of the straight edge bands that are around today and have fun. Nothing more, nothing less…just fun, remember that?

As I believe straight edge is an INclusive lifestyle, rather than an EXclusive lifestyle, everyone is invited to join in the whimsical festivities of this show that may include swan dives, front flips, sweet mosh, back flips, and maybe even balcony dives at the almighty Welfare Records.

So, before you all start pissing your pants saying how this is the « lamest thing ever », try to remember what I just said, and think about how much better of a time you will have at a hardcore show not typing on your sidekick, than you would shitting your bed with all your jaded friends about this show. Regardless, whether or not your adult-like attitude towards everything fun in life will be there, I’m betting people will still have fun on this day.

There are a lot of great straight edge bands around today. So, it made sense to have a good amount of bands play. It will be a long day, but yet a fun day. Secondly, this is NOT a Ten Yard Fight Reunion…but, in the name of FUN and SXE, Wrench and Clevo will be playing some sweet TYF songs under the name FIRST & TEN. This, will be awesome.

The show is $10 beans
Doors are at 3:00 pm
Show starts at 4:00 pm
The address is 58 River Street // Haverhill, MA.

Get there early. Capacity is like 300 heads. This place is not huge, which is good for kids packing up front, but not good for those of you who like to show up casually late because you think you are owed some type of royal treatment. Everyone’s equal. So please, get there early if you wanna get in.


Ca sert vraiment a qque chose de créer des sujets pour des concerts aux States ? A ce moment là je mettrais 30 concerts chaque jour,
c’est un peu comme quand Rafik nous donne les dates des tournées anglaises…

non mais jcrois que fat rom ca peut l’interresser depuis qu’il est le tough guy de warmzine

en tout cas l’affiche est magnifique

Quand Propagandhi joue, ça t’intéresse non ? :batman:

Et t’étais pas à Londres y’a quelques jours toi d’ailleurs ?

Donc écris un article dans ton magasine et fais pas chier la population :sorcerer:


Back in 82’

Pour Propa ouais, mais c’est « Euro Tour », pas UK et ton seul intérêt et de montrer qu’ils ne jouent pas en France :wink:

Ouais j’étais là y’a un ptit mois et je reviens du 28/12 au 02/01/08 avec les copains.

Suce ma bite

OK bah on s’essaiera de se croiser alors ? Comme ça je te fais ça en direct.

yes man, je t’enverrais un ptit mail avant

Ca va saigner gros.