Like we promised in the previous update, we are announcing the first list of names for the 2008 Summer edition by late winter. It will be taking place on Fri-Sun 22-24 August. We are absolutely psyched to announce we have no less than 35 (!!) bands confirmed so far. Here goes:

AS FRIENDS RUST USA Floridas kings of catchy, melodic, singalong hardcore coming over for just 6 reunion shows so make sure not to miss out!! Damien, James, Joe, Kaleb and Tim in the line-up!

BACKFIRE! NL M-town veterans still going strong after all those years! First Ieperfest performance ever for these originators of the Eurocore movement. Released their 5th full-length in Winter 2008.

BALZAC J Japanese horrorpunk/deathrock leaders. Wicked shit that will appeal to all visual kei fans out there!

BRIDGE TO SOLACE H Budapests hardest with the release show for their 3rd full-length. Expect nothing less than the best melodic metalcore!

CEPHALIC CARNAGE USA Ultra technical Colorado death/grind act that has been kicking it since the early 90s! For fans of DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, STARKWEATHER and CARCASS!

COUNTING THE DAYS USA Fast, pissed off, angry as hell hardcore for fans of CHAMPION, AMERICAN NIGHTMARE and COUNT ME OUT. From Glen Burnie, Maryland.

DANNY DIABLO USA Danny Diablo aka master entertainer Lord Ezec, main man of the fabulous SKARHEAD and king of uncompromising situations! Expect a good mixture of streetwise rap and New York hardcore!

DESPISED ICON Can Pure technical grind by these Canadian metalheads. For fans of DYING FETUS, PIG DESTROYER and NASUM.

DIE MY DEMON B Exclusive Belgian reunion show by the DMD gang! Playing all of their furious, raw, moshable, hardcore power hits once again!

DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? L Splendid Luxemburg screamo power for fans of LA QUIETE, ICONOCLAST, BORN AGAINST & YAGE! On the road with Japans ENDZWECK.

ENDZWECK J Old school melodic HC with fierce screamo parts. For fans of COMADRE, ACME and HAVE HEART, ow yeah!

FOLSOM USA Las Vegas gamblers with their very first IF performance. Furious singalong old school beatdown hardcore by one of the best bands in the genre!!

HAVE HEART USA Leading melodic Boston hardcore act combining the early influences of bands like CHAIN OF STRENGTH and TURNING POINT with a later touch ala MOUTHPIECE and INSIDE OUT. One of the HC bands of the early 21st century!!

HOMER B Hageland hardcore/screamo/punkrock hybrid sure to surprise friend & foe with their really catchy, splendid songs, interesting lyrics and superb singing by frontman Jokke!!

HOUR OF THE WOLF USA Rocking Arizona hardcore influenced by bands like BLACK FLAG, MISFITS, HOT SNAKES, MOTORHEAD, etc.

KINGDOM B Tuur, Collin & Vincent AMENRA side-project. Sounds like AMENRA meet ISIS meet NEUROSIS. Excellent clean vocal power!

LENGTH OF TIME B Balancing between brutal heaviness, harmony & melody, Bxls amazing metalcore act is back on track, now again with Ross taking care of vocals!!

LIONHEART USA Harde boel! San Francisco/Bay Area tuff metalcore for fans of HATEBREED, THROWDOWN and TERROR.

MORSER D Brutal Bremen metalcore act still going strong after all those years! 3 singers. Chaos. INFERNO!

OUTBREAK USA Angry punked up modern hardcore rhythms with in your face shout-outs, stirring n chugging guitars. For fans of KID DYNAMITE, BLACK FLAG and POISON IDEA!!

POUND FOR POUND USA Tuff Springfield (IL) hardcore mosh for fans of early SWORN ENEMY, SUBZERO, DEATH THREAT and later SKARHEAD.

PULLING TEETH USA Pounding Baltimore hardcore act featuring ex-SLUMLORDS PERSONNEL. For fans of The SETUP, INTEGRITY and LEFT FOR DEAD. RISE AND FALL labelmates!

PUSHED TOO FAR B Turnhout moshaholics kicking ass big time, playing an interesting mix of groovy upbeat WARZONE/DEATH THREAT style hardcore with beatdown moshparts ala BULLDOZE, KICKBACK, etc. Fools simply never move on!!

RED TAPE PARADE D Grown-up Bavarian hardcore influenced by bands like MINOR THREAT, DAG NASTY, GOOD RIDDANCE, SNFU, etc.

ROTTEN SOUND SF Fabulous Finnish grind/death metal influenced by bands like SLAYER, CARCASS, EXTREME NOISE TERROR, DOOM, etc. Their first 1st 7" was relased by Genet rcs 15 years ago!!

RUINER USA Dark melodic Baltimore hardcore/punk. For fans of HAVE HEART, CHAMPION and MODERN LIFE IS WAR!

SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY USA Michigan comet grind/death/mathcore for fans of JOB FOR A COWBOY, ABORTED and The LOCUST!

SHIPWRECK USA Dark and apocalyptic Boston (Merrimack Valley) metallic hardcore. For fans of RISE AND FALL, RINGWORM and INTEGRITY!!

SHOOK ONES USA Poppy Seattle hardcore/punk influenced by bands like BLACK FLAG, DESCENDENTS, JAWBREAKER and KID DYNAMITE!!

SINKING SHIPS USA Splendid Seatlle hardcore act showcasing a sound all their own, somewhere between the familiar echoes of hardcore bands like BANE and IN MY EYES, but with their own distinct morose overtones, weaving elements of melody and hard edge riffs!

SUNPOWER B Belgiums hardcore/punk pride! Released their 2nd full-length in Winter 2008. For fans of MDC, DEAD KENNEDYS and BAD BRAINS!

SURGE OF FURY B Bxl heavy weights delivering some of the nastiest mosh 2008 has to offer. Imagine MADBALL teaming up with BULLDOZE and add even more brutality!

SWORN ENEMY USA Caustic Queens, New York hybrid of thrashy, intense metal with the thud and grit of hardcore. For fans of TESTAMENT, ANTHRAX and HATEBREED!

WARBRINGER USA War without end!! Ventura, California thrash metal boosting sped up drums, lightning fast guitar picking and over the top vocals, bringing to mind bands like MUNICIPAL WASTE, EXODUS and EXCEL!!

WISDOM IN CHAINS USA From the land of Kings! Groovy Pennsylvia hardcore with loads of uptempo punk influences. For fans of SICK OF IT ALL, BLOOD FOR BLOOD, BLACK FLAG and SOCIAL DISTORTION!!

A vos boucs.

Putain c’est ZE-RO

c’est sans doute le meme genre de groupe que yaura au hellfest du mois d’aout, l’affiche est correct et assez variée

mouai, y a pas la moitié des groupes, wait and see

tu le penses?
pourtant il y a pas mal de groupes pour toi la dedans.

perso je trouve très bonne cette ( demi ) affiche. même une des meilleures de ces dernières années.

c’est la looooooooooooooooooooooooose !!!

Ca a changé à ce point ???

Mais t’es fou mon garçon.


ta pas écouté failure ?

Putain ouais y’a quand meme de bons trucs : shook ones, sinking ships, ruiner, AS FRIENDS RUST… Après y’a de la merde aussi.

Tu te réjouis d’avance à l’idée d’avoir le temps de jouer aux boules avec les vieux, pas vrai? :sorcerer:

Pour moi les gros trucs, pour l’instant, c’est: As Friends Rust, Endzweck, Have Heart, Outbreak, Ruiner, Shipwreck, Shook Ones, Sinking Ships et Sunpower.

Sinon j’ai écouté Hour Of The Wolf, ça à l’air sympa, enfin je sens un peu le B.U.S.H. de 2008, donc en live, ça dépendra de leur son.

ça tue Hour Of The Wolf.
sinon l’affiche est plutot pas mal cette année. y’a pas Congress ni Liar par contre.

je la trouve super bonne cette demi affiche moi!



J’ai hâte, mais putain ya trop de groupes a regarder, pas assez de temps pour draguer !
au moins pendant Sinking ships et have heart on saura où trouver de la meuf !

BALZAC, HOUR OF THE WOLF : wooo rock 'tchn roll coupe au sperme et santiagos…Merci mais non merci


BRIDGE TO SOLACE, ENDZWECK, HAVE HEART, SHOOK ONES, SINKING SHIPS, RED TAPE PARADE : j’ai arrêté le mélo à 17 ans et j’ai jamais aimé le modern

KINGDOM, DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, HOMER, SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY : le quart d’heure américain émo/destructuré relou


Y’a que OUTBREAK, PULLING TEETH (j’connais pas mais des ex membres de Slumlords faisant du Integrity va falloir que j’écoute) et SHIPWRECK AD qui m’intéressent

Mention « à voir mais pas convaincu » pour RUINER, SUNPOWER, COUNTING THE DAYS et AS FRIENDS RUST (que pour les morceaux des 2 premiers mcd les 2 albums me gonflent)

C’est vrai y’a trop de trucs pour moi

Quand je pense que ce mec a pas décollé de Dying Fetus l’année derniere… :whistling

Sinon Pulling Teeth c’est franchement cool mais ça ressemble autant a Integrity que les Plasticines.

:tooth: haha oui mais Dying Fetus y’a de la mosh groovy toutes les 30 secondes et ça c’est FUN

ah oui merde j’oubliai qu’on avait affaire aux descriptifs Vort n Vis (« entre The Cure et Slayer ») faudra qd même que j’écoute Poulling Tiph qd j’aurai 2 mn

7 groupes sur une demi affiche c’est déjà pas si mal.
il y en a moins que ça qui m’intéressent réellement mais celà ne m’empeche pas de trouver l’affiche bonne. elle est diversifiée et pour l’instant on ne retrouve pas les groupes habituels ( c’est sur ils peuvent encore être rajoutés vu qu’il n’y a que la moitié ).

concernant As Friend Rust, je pense qu’on peut compter surtout sur les deux premiers MCD plutôt que sur les suivants étant donné que le line up sera plutôt celui du début.