LAck - Saturate Every Atom

je viens de choper le nouvel album de lack qui sort le 3 mars prochain !! j’en suis u 3eme morceau de l’album, franchement pas mal du tout !!! :clap: en ecoute en streaming sur le myspace

sale pd, ecoute infidels forever

Oulalala je te conseille de virer le lien et de mette celui du myspace, c’est pas très cool pour la netiquette du forum !

Sinon je commence à écouter, c’est fou c’est encore une autre dimension de be there pulse, je kiffe bien.

wesh wesh pourquoi pas

c’etait mieux quand c’etait metal

c’etait mieux quand t’etait encore dans les couilles de ton père

la cLaque

si t’as quelque chose à me dire, va donc faireu n tour à lambé

t’as changé depuis que tu mets ton zizi dans autre chose que ta main.

a bon il la mets dans le cul de son chien qui pu ???


"29.08.08 - Lack is no more

Full of juvenile enthusiasm Lack started somewhat 10 years ago and will now come to an end. This band has always been driven by motivation, passion and love for what we are doing. This band has always, as stated many times, been about challenging ourselves and moving in new directions. As of lately we must recognize that motivation is coming short, that inspiration has been drying out and that tours seem to take us down all too familiar roads. We simply recognize the fact that it is now time for the four of us to part ways, move on and let Lack be, leaving behind 3 albums, numerous shows and tons of memories and invaluable friendships made along the road. We are extremely proud of all our outcome with this musical collaboration and extremely grateful for everything we ever achieved or got to experience. This band, the experiences that followed and the friendships made, certainly shaped our lives and had a huge impact on what kind of people we are today, and we would never be without it. We are confident that now is the right time to leave this behind us, and do so without regrets or sorrow. Instead we are all very much looking forward to pursue other projects and are eager to find out what the future holds for each and everyone of us.

In spite of our mutual decision to part ways, we will still be playing the shows already scheduled. We will not in any way treat them as farewell shows and play anything extraordinary, but quite on the contrary treat them as just another show with just another setlist. Thanks for reading and thanks for everything!

Thomas, Kasper, Jacob and Jakob"

C’est dommage mais ça sentait quand même la fin la dernière fois au nouveau casino…

Bien dommage tout ça, mais bon, on écoutera autre chose.

J’adore ce genre de lettres de démission surgonflées d’humilité.