A horrible little monster born into a life of pain.
The only way to relieve the hate:
Justice in the upper tiers of the corporate class tonight.
A little lesson on twisted wrongs and crooked rights.
There is a new issue out of the Dutch hardcore punk zine Twisted Wrongs & Crooked Rights. A4, 80 pages and contains:
A scene report about the recent reunion shows; an article on record collecting; a column by Erik Anarchy (Subject To Change/Soulfire and Sight Beyond Sight Zine) and 20 pages of reviews.
If you’re interested, contact me on daniel at twistedwrongs.com. You can order the directly through me and If you have a distro, please get in touch as well.
I forgot to mention in the first post, there is an interview with Matt Bayles in there as well. It’s a item called ‹ Behind The Buttons ›, a producer/sound engineer has a lot of influence on how a record is going to sound, so we asked him some questions. Bayles used to play in Minus The Bear and has done records for Neurosis, Tragedy, Mastodon and Botch among others.